Monday, February 6, 2012

About me...

I'm a blonde mother of 5. I hold a MBA with a concentration in marketing and a MPA with a concentration in Management. I also have a Masters in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. I'm a seeking a Doctorate in Business Administration. I'm a Disney junkie and hopelessly addicted to Game of Thrones.  I may be a tiny bit sarcastic, too. 

Am I a dumb blonde? Often. Daily. I struggle with the whole left/right thing. Honestly, the thought of taking a class in economics had me shaking in my stilettos.  Once I broke the theories and concepts down, I understood them and the application to the real world.

  If only things like cooking and parenting could be made this simple...oh and if I could ever manage to get a holiday meal on the table with everything still warm and ready at almost the same time while the house is still reasonably clean, I think my life would be complete. 

Carolina Quinn (current shoe-diva and future blonde economist) and me.